
Are you a fan of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter? How about beco­ming a bene­fac­tor of the orches­tra? Find out how to beco­me a mem­ber of the Fri­ends and Patrons of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter e.V. here.

Fri­ends and Sup­port­ers of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter e.V.

Our foun­da­ti­on includes ever­yo­ne who wants to accom­pa­ny the work of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter over a long term. Wel­co­me!

Wel­co­me to our cir­cle of fri­ends, which includes ever­yo­ne who wants to accom­pa­ny the work of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter over a long term.

For cen­tu­ries, the Han­sea­tic city of Bre­men has been one of the most important cul­tu­ral cen­ters in nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny, due to it’s loca­ti­on at the inter­sec­tion bet­ween the North and Bal­tic Sea regi­on, bet­ween sou­thern Euro­pe and Scan­di­na­via, as well as bet­ween Euro­pe and over­se­as.

With its inter­na­tio­nal com­po­si­ti­on, the young Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter embraces the inspi­ra­ti­on of baro­que music cul­tu­re from the nor­t­hern Ger­man regi­on, as well as tho­se from Ita­ly, France, Latin Ame­ri­ca and other cul­tures who­se paths had crossed the­re.

With pri­de and enthu­si­asm, the Asso­cia­ti­on of Fri­ends and Patrons of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter sup­ports and encou­ra­ges the musi­ci­ans in their com­mit­ment to crea­te the baro­que sound­scape heard by the Bre­men audi­ence and guests of the city through enligh­ten­ed per­for­mance prac­ti­ce.

At the same time, the foun­da­ti­on would like to be a mee­ting place to bring music lovers in Bre­men and bey­ond its bor­ders into cont­act with each other.

In addi­ti­on to pro­vi­ding finan­cial sup­port for the BBO, it also pro­vi­des acti­ve assis­tance and is the­r­e­fo­re always loo­king for more acti­ve mem­bers.

As a non-pro­fit asso­cia­ti­on, the Freun­des­kreis accepts dona­ti­ons and issues dona­ti­on receipts accor­din­gly.

If you are extre­me­ly inspi­red by the orchestra’s inter­pre­ta­ti­ons that you feel the desi­re to learn more about the foun­da­ti­on, Baro­que music in Bre­men and the pos­si­bi­li­ty to sup­port the orches­tra, we would love to hear from you!

Account details:

Fri­ends and Sup­port­ers of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter e.V.
Spar­kas­se Bre­men

IBAN: DE95290501010081590945


Appli­ca­ti­on for mem­ber­ship

If you are so enthu­si­a­stic and inspi­red by the orchestra’s inter­pre­ta­ti­ons that you wish to beco­me a mem­ber of our Fri­ends, you can app­ly for mem­ber­ship right here:

Click here to show and hide appli­ca­ti­on form

    Appli­ca­ti­on for

    The fees are due on March 1st of each year and acqui­red by direct debit from the account of the regis­tered and/or log­ged-in mem­bers. After joi­ning, the first con­tri­bu­ti­on is bil­led every six months (on June 30th) depen­ding on the start­ing date. Mem­bers who join from July 1st of each year pay only half of the fee for the rest of the cur­rent year. A writ­ten ter­mi­na­ti­on is pos­si­ble with a noti­ce peri­od of at least 6 weeks befo­re the end of the finan­cial year.

    Direct debit man­da­te

    I (we) her­eby aut­ho­ri­se the asso­cia­ti­on "Freun­de und För­de­rer des Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ters e. V." to debit the con­tri­bu­ti­on to be paid by me (us) from my (our) account. The rele­vant account is:


    Plea­se note our pri­va­cy poli­cy. By sub­mit­ting the form, you con­firm that you have read it.

    Cont­act: Hei­de Mül­ler-Lei­en­de­cker, Groß­bee­ren­stra­ße 86, 28211 Bre­men, Pho­ne: +49-421-230361
    Inter­net: http://​freun​des​kreis​.bre​mer​-barock​or​ches​ter​.de
    E-Mail: freun­des­kreis AT bre­mer MINUS barock­or­ches­ter PUNKT de
    Account: Spar­kas­se Bre­men, IBAN: DE95 2905 0101 0081 5909 45, BIC: SBREDE22XXX


    The Board of Direc­tors

    Fri­ends and Sup­port­ers of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter e.V.

    Hei­de Mül­ler-Lei­en­de­cker: 1st Chair­wo­man
    Dr. Tho­mas Cars­tens: 2nd Chair­man

    Inga Peter: Secre­ta­ry
    Jörg Col­berg: Tre­asurer

    Nadi­ne Rem­mert: Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter
    Nés­tor Fabián Cor­tés Gar­zón: Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter

    If you have any ques­ti­ons about joi­ning, oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­ti­ci­pa­te and acti­vi­ties in gene­ral, then plea­se cont­act:

    Hei­de Mül­ler-Lei­en­de­cker
    Tel: 0421/230361
    E-Mail: h (.) mull­er (-) l (a) bre­mer (-) barock­or­ches­ter (.) de

    Bremer Senat für KulturHollweg StiftungJugend Kunst Stiftung BremenNordwest Ticket
    Stiftungshaus Bremen eVWeser KurrierWirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbHWaldemar Kochj Stiftung
    Bremer Senat für Kultur
    Hollweg Stiftung
    Jugend Kunst Stiftung Bremen
    Nordwest Ticket
    Stiftungshaus Bremen eV
    Weser Kurrier
    Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH
    Waldemar Kochj Stiftung
    Neustart Kultur
    Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien Logo


    Foerdern 1

    PDF Info Fri­end­ship Cir­cle

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    PDF Spon­sor­ship pur­po­ses

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    Foerdern 3

    PDF Appli­ca­ti­on for mem­ber­ship

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