The Four Sea­sons – A South Ame­ri­can Sym­pho­ny


Tog­e­ther with the ensem­ble Los Tem­pe­ra­ment­os, award-win­ning soloist Alexis Cár­de­nas (vio­lin) and Gram­my win­ners Miguel Siso (cua­t­ro) and Cel­so Duar­te (harp), the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter cele­bra­tes the 300th anni­ver­sa­ry of the world-famous vio­lin con­cer­tos The Four Sea­sons, show­ing them in the con­text of Latin Ame­ri­can sound­scapes.

In this pro­gram­me the impres­si­ons of Italy’s natu­ral annu­al cycle, mas­terful­ly cap­tu­red by the Vene­ti­an Vival­di in the 18th cen­tu­ry, meet the 21st cen­tu­ry and the con­tras­ting living envi­ron­ments of Ame­ri­ca.

Begin­ning with the con­cert “L’Autunno” (Autumn), the ensem­ble and soloists tell a very per­so­nal sto­ry; they expand and com­ple­ment Vivaldi’s baro­que com­po­si­ti­ons with impro­vi­sa­ti­ons and dances such as Jor­o­pos, Bam­bu­cos, Sones and much more, and in this way reflect the effect that natu­ral phe­no­me­na can have on the Ame­ri­can con­ti­nent.

This crea­tes a uni­que encoun­ter bet­ween dif­fe­rent eras, cul­tures and musi­cal styl­es, which is shaped by the rhythm of natu­re: diver­se, con­stant­ly moving and some­ti­mes unpre­dic­ta­ble…

Kon­zert­rei­he Barock&Umzu 24/25: Kon­zert 2
22. Febru­ar 2025, 20 Uhr, Kir­che Unser Lie­ben Frau­en Bre­men
Pho­to: Patrick Leo


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