
Christ­mas offer – get 25% dis­count on your tickets now!

Buy two tickets for the Barock&Umzu con­cert series with a 25% dis­count or give away a vou­ch­er for the con­cert series. Available now!

If you buy one ticket each for the next two con­certs in the “Barock&Umzu” con­cert series in Bremen’s Church of Our Lady, you will recei­ve a 25% dis­count on the ori­gi­nal pri­ce. The pro­mo­ti­on runs until Christ­mas. Sim­ply fol­low this link
Christ­mas offer

New!! You can also get vou­ch­ers for the con­cert series. Sim­ply order the vou­ch­er with the value of your choice at gutschein@​bremer-​barockorchester.​de.

Beco­me a mem­ber of Patre­on

Beco­me a mem­ber of Patre­on

Sin­ce the begin­ning of the Bre­men con­cert series “Barock & Umzu”, the orches­tra has been regu­lar­ly pro­du­cing high-qua­li­ty music vide­os of their con­certs, giving baro­que music lovers from all over the world the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the orches­tra “live” on their strea­ming chan­nel.

If you would like to sup­port the­se pro­duc­tions, you have the chan­ce to do so with an amount of your own choo­sing in the form of a Patre­on mem­ber­ship. Sel­ect your sup­port­er sub­scrip­ti­on and also recei­ve exclu­si­ve access to vide­os that have not yet been published. In addi­ti­on, the­re is also the pos­si­bi­li­ty of being men­tio­ned by name in a pro­duc­tion.

» zu Patre­on


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