Schrank II − A tre­asu­re hunt in the archi­ves of the Dres­den Court Orches­tra

In this concert, the Bremer Barockorchester embarks on a voyage of discovery into the fabulous music collection of the Dresden Hofkapelle known as "Schrank II". The archive, for the most part containing the estate of the famous Vivaldi pupil Georg Pisendel, was already created in the 18th century. It contains well-known, along with partly rarely heard manuscripts and copies of the great masters from the era of the Saxon-Polish Union. The pinnacle era of the orchestra, which was famous throughout Europe and whose members included legendary musicians such as Francesco Maria Veracini, Johann Joachim Quantz and Jan Dismas Zelenka, among others.

In accordance with its high quality, works have been repeatedly dedicated to the orchestra. Famous composers, such as Antonio Vivaldi, had their music premiered by the Dresden orchestra.

Inclu­ding works by Johann David Hei­ni­chen (1683-1729), Anto­nio Maria Mon­ta­na­ri (1676-1737) and Johann Fried­rich Fasch (1688-1758).


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