Bathing in sound - Expe­ri­ence a rehear­sal in the midd­le of the orches­tra!

The pupils in one class attend a rehearsal of the Bremen Baroque Orchestra and are right in the middle of it! Meanwhile, the children follow a specific plan: in a previous lesson, the pupils have formed several research teams, each of which has declared an instrument to be their research object. The aim now is to gather as many impressions and information as possible in order to be able to present them to the whole class in a subsequent lesson. In addition to the rehearsal visit, there is plenty of time for the teams to meet with the musicians of "their" instrument to get to know each other, ask urgent research questions and examine the instrument up close.

Recom­men­ded for 1st gra­de and up
Dura­ti­on: 3 school hours + 90-minu­te rehear­sal visit


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