

Bathing in sound

The pupils in one class attend a rehear­sal of the Bre­men Baro­que Orches­tra and are right in the midd­le of it! Mean­while, the child­ren fol­low a spe­ci­fic plan: in a pre­vious les­son, the pupils have for­med seve­ral rese­arch teams, each of which has declared an instru­ment to be their rese­arch object. The aim now is to gather as many impres­si­ons and infor­ma­ti­on as pos­si­ble in order to be able to pre­sent them to the who­le class in a sub­se­quent les­son. In addi­ti­on to the rehear­sal visit, the­re is ple­nty of time for the teams to meet with the musi­ci­ans of “their” instru­ment to get to know each other, ask urgent rese­arch ques­ti­ons and exami­ne the instru­ment up clo­se.

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Den Tönen auf der Spur

On the trail of sounds

The Bre­men Baro­que Orches­tra gives an exclu­si­ve con­cert at the school! To ensu­re that the com­po­si­ti­ons are not only expe­ri­en­ced this one time, seve­ral work­shops are held in class before­hand. What makes the works so fasci­na­ting? What inspi­red the com­po­sers? The ans­wers to the­se and many other exci­ting ques­ti­ons are explo­red in the work­shops. Through their own artis­tic expres­si­on, the pupils dis­co­ver the musi­cal world of the orches­tra and find indi­vi­du­al approa­ches to the con­cert pro­gram.

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Vorhang auf!

Curtain up: extra­CLASS!

Tog­e­ther with the Bre­men Baro­que Orches­tra, the pupils pre­sent a school con­cert! For this, the child­ren inten­si­ve­ly stu­dy a con­cert pro­gram of the BBO and are inspi­red by it to crea­te their own musi­cal per­for­man­ces such as impro­vi­sa­ti­ons or com­po­si­ti­ons. Staged per­for­man­ces or dances are also on the pro­gram! After an exten­si­ve rehear­sal pha­se, the stage-rea­­dy works are pre­sen­ted to the audi­ence.

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