Il Maes­tro di Capel­la


The Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter pres­ents a pro­gram based on the work Il Maes­tro di Capel­la by Dome­ni­co Cima­ro­sa (1749-1801), which focu­ses enti­re­ly on the capri­ces and dra­ma­tic move­ment of the music from the second half of the 18th cen­tu­ry. The midd­le of this con­cert show­ca­ses an inter­mez­zo with a full orches­tra and a sin­ger. The audi­ence expe­ri­en­ces an orches­tral rehear­sal in which a con­duc­tor tri­es to make the indi­vi­du­al groups of instru­ments sound accor­ding to his wis­hes. The result doesn’t always seem to satis­fy him. The Nea­po­li­tan Cima­ro­sa uses this attempt of a rehear­sal as an extre­me­ly enter­tai­ning musi­cal encoun­ter, which at the same time could be view­ed as a fine­ly craf­ted and fun­ny orches­tral per­for­mance. In addi­ti­on to this staged Ita­li­an work, music by C. W. Gluck, one of the most famous ope­ra com­po­sers of his time, is per­for­med, as well as a redis­co­very that is pro­ba­b­ly less known to the majo­ri­ty of the audi­ence, but who­se musi­cal expres­si­ve­ness is all the more thril­ling.

Franz Ignaz Beck (1734-1809)

Sym­pho­ny Op.3,3

Dome­ni­co Cima­ro­sa (1749-1801)
“Il Maes­tro di Capel­la”

Chris­toph Wil­li­bald Gluck (1714-1787)
Suite Ima­gi­n­aire from “Orfeo ed Euri­di­ce” and “Semi­ra­mis”

Con­cert series Baro­que & Umzu Con­cert 2
April 23, 2021


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