The stor­ming Aeo­lus − Vir­tuo­so Baro­que Music for Recor­der and Orches­tra


For the first time, the renow­ned recor­der play­er Doro­thee Ober­lin­ger is a guest with the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter. The 2020 Con­cert Series “Barock & Umzu” opens with an unu­su­al pro­gram that includes both late baro­que music, such as the famous flu­te con­cert “La Not­te” by Anto­nio Vival­di, and works by G.Ph. Tele­mann, as well as music from the 16th Cen­tu­ry. Tog­e­ther, the soloist and ensem­ble explo­re the world of baro­que flu­te music pre­sen­ting works from all over Euro­pe that seem to con­ti­nu­al­ly sur­pass each other in vir­tuo­si­ty, but also skillful­ly show­ca­se the can­ta­bi­le cha­rac­ter of the recor­der.

Pro­fes­sor Doro­thee Ober­lin­ger is inter­na­tio­nal­ly known for her lively play­ing at the hig­hest tech­ni­cal level, which repea­ted­ly enti­ces storms of enthu­si­asm among baro­que music lovers and espe­ci­al­ly among lis­ten­ers who pre­vious­ly knew the recor­der from their school years. On various recor­ders, Ober­lin­ger and the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter demons­tra­te the uni­ma­gi­nable pos­si­bi­li­ties in this instru­ment.

Gior­gio Main­e­rio (d. 1582):

Schia­ra­zu­la Mara­zu­la, La Lavan­dara Gagli­ar­da

Ales­san­dro Mar­cel­lo (1673-1747):
Oboe con­cert d-Minor (ver­si­on for recor­der)

Georg Phil­ipp Tele­mann (1681-1767):
Recor­der Con­cer­to TWV 51:C

Wil­lem de Fesch (1687-1761):
Con­cer­to op 10.2

Anto­nio Vival­di (1678-1741):
Con­cer­to RV 439 “La Not­te”


Georg Phil­ipp Tele­mann:
Over­tu­re Suite TWV55: C3 “Water Music”

Anto­nio Vival­di:
Con­cer­to RV 443

Pro­gramm 1, 2020, DER STÜR­MEN­DE ÄOLUS
Direc­tion and recor­der: Doro­thee Ober­lin­ger


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