Typi­cal Baro­que!?


The year 2021 and the seventh sea­son of the con­cert series Baro­que & umzu beg­ins with the ques­ti­on: What actual­ly is Baro­que? The title of the pro­gram “Typisch Barock!?” plays with the many pos­si­ble ans­wers to this ques­ti­on and the sub­con­scious expec­ta­ti­ons. The Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter ans­wers: diver­si­ty and emo­ti­on.

The focus of the Febru­ary con­cert is on the Recor­der and the Vio­la da Gam­ba, two genui­ne baro­que instru­ments that are com­ple­te­ly absent from the modern orches­tra. The warm sound no lon­ger sui­ted the sound con­cep­ti­ons of the fol­lo­wing era, in which the asser­ti­ve­ness of the instru­ments in the gro­wing sym­pho­ny orches­tra beca­me more and more important.

In the Baro­que era, howe­ver, the­se two instru­ments were favo­ri­tes of many com­po­sers, pro­fes­sio­nal musi­ci­ans and the ama­teurs at home. For exam­p­le, G.P. Tele­mann mas­terful­ly uses them in his Con­cer­to for Recor­der and Vio­la da Gam­ba in A minor. What is asto­nis­hing about this work is not only the spe­ci­fic com­bi­na­ti­on of instru­ments for a solo con­cer­to, but also the sty­li­stic diver­si­ty, with which the Ham­bur­ger always knew how to sur­pri­se the audi­ence. His com­po­si­ti­ons take us across Euro­pe. The use of folk music mixed with court­ly dances crea­tes an unmist­aka­ble sound. In addi­ti­on to works by the Ham­burg music direc­tor, a Con­cer­to Grosso by G.F.Händel is also included in the pro­gram. Like his col­le­ague Tele­mann, Han­del com­po­sed in Lon­don in the so-cal­led “mixed style”. In Handel’s case, howe­ver, he uses main­ly French and Ita­li­an ele­ments that mix with the con­trap­un­tal nota­ti­on of the Ger­man com­po­sers, crea­ting that magni­fi­cent con­cert that sounds to us today like “typi­cal Han­del”.

Georg Phil­ipp Tele­mann (1681-1767)

Con­cer­to for Recor­der and Vio­la da Gam­ba TWV 52: a1

Georg Fried­rich Han­del (1685-1759)
Con­cer­to Grosso HWV 329

Georg Phil­ipp Tele­mann
Suite La Bizar­re TWV 52:G2

Con­cert Series Baro­que & Umzu Con­cert 1
Febru­ary 19, 2021, Kir­che Unser Lie­ben Frau­en in Bre­men


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