Vivaldi’s Voices − A visit to Venice with the Bre­men Girls’ Choir


In this spe­cial con­cert, the young sin­gers of the Bre­men Girls’ Choir and the Bre­mer Barock­or­ches­ter bring the sounds of the “Ospe­da­le del­la Pie­tà” in Venice back to life – the legen­da­ry orpha­na­ge whe­re Anto­nio Vival­di com­po­sed hundreds of works for an orches­tra and a choir of young girls who were cele­bra­ted throug­hout Euro­pe for their vir­tuo­si­ty.

With mas­ter­pie­ces such as the maje­s­tic “Glo­ria” by Vival­di, the ensem­ble intro­du­ces lis­ten­ers to the sple­ndid tra­di­ti­on of the “Fig­lie del Cho­ro”. The girls’ choir – accom­pa­nied by the his­to­ri­cal instru­ments of the Baro­que orches­tra – offers a rare­ly heard sound expe­ri­ence of par­ti­cu­lar expres­si­ve­ness.

The pro­gram is com­ple­men­ted by a sel­ec­tion of Ita­li­an and Ger­man orches­tral music that reve­als the ver­sa­ti­li­ty of the Baro­que sound world. A spe­cial high­light of the evening is the enter­tai­ning can­ta­ta “Der Schul­meis­ter in der Sing­schu­le” by L. Feh­re (form­er­ly attri­bu­ted to Tele­mann), in which the talen­ted young Ham­burg bass-bari­to­ne Sön­ke Tams Frei­er takes on the role of the school­mas­ter.

A musi­cal cele­bra­ti­on for the who­le fami­ly!
Direc­tion: Mar­kus Kai­ser and Nés­tor F. Cor­tés Gar­zón

Kon­zert­rei­he Barock&Umzu 24/25: Kon­zert 3
24. Mai 2025, 20 Uhr, Kir­che Unser Lie­ben Frau­en Bre­men


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