In this special concert, the young singers of the Bremen Girls’ Choir and the Bremer Barockorchester bring the sounds of the “Ospedale della Pietà” in Venice back to life – the legendary orphanage where Antonio Vivaldi composed hundreds of works for an orchestra and a choir of young girls who were celebrated throughout Europe for their virtuosity. With masterpieces such as the majestic “Gloria” by Vivaldi, the ensemble introduces listeners to the splendid tradition of the “Figlie del Choro”. The girls’ choir – accompanied by the historical instruments of the Baroque orchestra – offers a rarely heard sound experience of particular expressiveness. The program is complemented by a selection of Italian and German orchestral music that reveals the versatility of the Baroque sound world. A special highlight of the evening is the entertaining cantata “Der Schulmeister in der Singschule” by L. Fehre (formerly attributed to Telemann), in which the talented […]
The Four Seasons – A South American Symphony
Together with the ensemble Los Temperamentos, award-winning soloist Alexis Cárdenas (violin) and Grammy winners Miguel Siso (cuatro) and Celso Duarte (harp), the Bremer Barockorchester celebrates the 300th anniversary of the world-famous violin concertos The Four Seasons, showing them in the context of Latin American soundscapes. In this programme the impressions of Italy’s natural annual cycle, masterfully captured by the Venetian Vivaldi in the 18th century, meet the 21st century and the contrasting living environments of America. Beginning with the concert “L’Autunno” (Autumn), the ensemble and soloists tell a very personal story; they expand and complement Vivaldi’s baroque compositions with improvisations and dances such as Joropos, Bambucos, Sones and much more, and in this way reflect the effect that natural phenomena can have on the American continent. This creates a unique encounter between different eras, cultures and musical styles, which is shaped by the rhythm of nature: diverse, constantly moving and […]
Funiculì, Funiculà!
The Bremer Barockorchester presents an evening dedicated to vocal music for the first time in its Barock&Umzu concert series. Funiculì, Funiculà! features Ensemble Quartonal, one of the most sought-after vocal quartets in Germany. Programme: Philipp Heinrich Erlebach (1657-1714) Overture Suite V in F Major Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634) from Festino nella Sera del Giovedì Grasso Avanti Cena “Capricciata” – “Contrapunto Bestiale alla mente” Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Sinfonia from BWV 42 Ph. H. Erlebach “Trocknet euch ihr heißen Zähren” Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (1747-1800) Arr. Néstor Fabián Cortés Garzón (*1983) “Der Mond ist aufgegangen” Intermission Heinrich Isaac (c. 1450.1517) “Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen” Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (c. 1623-1680) Sonate for 2 Violins and Basso Continuo “Polnische Sackpfeifen” Hans Leo Hassler (1664-1712) “Tanzen und Springen” Jacques Arcadelt (1507-1568) “Margot labourez les Vignes” Ph. H. Erlebach “Nur getrost, lass alles gehen” Henry Purcell (1659-95) from King Arthur Passacaglia/”How happy the Lover” Luigi […]
Bach & Biber
Programm: H.I.F. Biber (1644 – 1704) aus Der schmerzensreiche Rosenkranz Sonata IX “Kreuztragung” J.S. Bach (1685 – 1750) Sonata I für Violine und Cembalo Obligato BWV 1014 H.I.F. Biber aus Der freudenreiche Rosenkranz Sonate IV “Darstellung im Tempel” Anonymous Sonata in g-Moll für Violine und Basso Continuo (D-DI Mus. 2-R-8,56) J.S. Bach Sonata VI für Violine und Cembalo Obligato BWV 1019 Stefano Rossi Violine Néstor F. Cortés Garzón Violoncello Nadine Remmert Cembalo
Alexis Cardenas begeisterte das Bremer Publikum bereits 2022 mit seinem energiegeladenen Spiel – nun ist der venezolanische Geigenvirtuose zurück im Norden und beschließt die Saison der Konzertreihe mit einem Menü à la Cardenas: Virtuos, kraftvoll und dynamisch. Im Fokus des Abends stehen Kompositionen Paganinis und seiner Wegbereiter, die sich unter den Fingern eines solchen Ausnahmekünstlers, der sich in der Klassik genauso zuhause fühlt wie im Jazz oder in der lateinamerikanischen Folklore, auf einzigartige Weise entfalten. Programm Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840) Aus “24 Capricci per Violino Solo” Capriccio Nr. 16 in g-Moll Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) Sonate in g-Moll “Der Teufelstriller” Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Konzert “Alla Rustica” in G-Dur für Streicher und Basso Continuo RV 151 Tomaso Antonio Vitali (1663-1745) Chaconne in g-Moll Pause Niccolò Paganini Pasticcio Paganiano Tomaso Albinoni (1671-1751) Concerto in D Néstor F. Cortés Garzón (*1983) Preludio y Xacara Niccolò Paganini Capriccio Nr. 24 in a-Moll Violine: Alexis Cardenas
Am Eröffnungsabend der Konzertreihe Barock&Umzu 23/24 heißt das Bremer Barockorchester die Solisten Clara Guldberg Ravn (Blockflöte, Kopenhagen) und Fabio D’Onofrio (Oboe, Neapel) in der Unser Lieben Frauen Kirche Bremen willkommen und entdeckt gemeinsam mit Ihnen faszinierende Musik aus ganz Europa. Wer die Blockflöte bisher nur aus dem Schulunterricht kannte, darf sich hier getrost wundern, was man damit alles anstellen kann…. Wie immer laden wir Sie an der BBO-Bar ein, sich mit erfrischenden Getränken zu versorgen. Ab sofort auch schon vor Konzertbeginn geöffnet! Konzerteinführung um 19.15 Uhr Das Programm: Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) Konzert für Blockflöte, Oboe, Violine und Basso Continuo in a-Moll TWV 43:a3 Ouvertüre Suite “La Bizarre” für Streicher und Basso Continuo in G-Dur TWV 55:G2 Giuseppe Sammartini (1695-1750) Konzert für Flöte, Streicher und Basso Continuo in F-Dur Pause Johan Helmich Roman (1694-1758) Konzert für Flöte, Streicher und Basso Continuo in G-Dur BeRi 54 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Konzert […]
The Cello Chronicles
In diesem Konzert erleben Sie gemeinsam mit dem international gefeierten Meister-Cellisten und Komponisten Giovanni Sollima eine Zeitreise. Von den Anfängen der Cellomusik bis in die Gegenwart spielen sich Solist und Ensemble an diesem Abend einmal quer durch die Musikgeschichte. Ein Muss für alle Cellofans und solche, die es noch werden wollen! Konzerteinführung um 19.15 Uhr Das Programm: Domenico Galli (1649-1697) aus Trattenimento musicale sopra il violoncello a solo Sonata II Domenico Gabrielli (1651-1690) Sonata I in G-Dur Improvisation zu “The Italian Ground” Giovanni Battista Costanzi (1704-1778) Konzert für Violoncello und Streicher in F-Dur Giovanni Sollima (*1962) Konzert für Violoncello “Fecit Neap. 17..” (2011) Pause Francesco Paolo Supriano (1678-1753) aus Principij da imparare à suonare il violoncello Toccata VII Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Konzert für Violoncello und Orchester in C-Dur Hob VIIb:1 Violoncello: Giovanni Sollima BIOGRAFIE
Im Zenit
Bereits zum zweiten Mal steht die weltweit gefragte Geigerin Midori Seiler mit dem Bremer Barockorchester auf der Bühne und präsentiert Baroque’s Finest! Auf dem Programm steht nicht nur ein besonderes Violinkonzert einer KomponistIN, sondern prinzipiell Glanz und Gloria der Orchestermusik des 18. Jahrhunderts. Konzerteinführung um 19.15 Uhr Das Programm: Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1768) Ouvertüre Suite für 2 Oboen, 2 Hörner, Streicher und Basso Continuo in D-Dur TWV 55:D21 Johann Christian Schickhardt (1682-1762) Konzert für Traverso, 2 Oboen, Streicher und Basso Continuo in g-Moll Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für 3 Violinen, Streicher und Basso Continuo in F-Dur TWV 53:F1 Pause Maddalena Laura Sirmen (1745-1818) Konzert für Violine, Oboen, Hörner, Streicher und Basso Continuo in C-Dur op. 3,4 Johann David Heinichen (1683-1729) Konzert für 2 Traversflöten, Oboe, 2 Hörner, Violine, Streicher und Basso Continuo in F-Dur SeiH 235 Violine: Midori Seiler
The Bremen Baroque Orchestra opens the concert series Barock&Umzu 22/23 with a bang! To the baroque sounds of Jean-Féry Rebel’s famous suite “Les Eléments”, the Unser Lieben Frauen Church will be illuminated with large-scale 3-D projections by the revolutionary Bielefeld agency “The Night Lab”. Learn more about TNL’s fascinating projects The BBO plays under the direction of French baroque specialist François Fernandez and invites the audience with two fascinating orchestral works to immerse themselves in another world with all their senses. Program: Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) La Foresta Incantata J.-M. Leclair (1697-1764) Ouverture op. 13,3 J.-F. Rebel (1666-1747) Les Elements Symphony Nouvelle Concertmaster: François Fernandez Videomapping: The Night Lab (TNL)
Die Alpen-Connection
Funny, crazy, shocking and exciting orchestral music from the 17th century with the Bremer Barockorchester and Veronika Skuplik. Programm Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber (1644-1704) Sonata Nr. 10 aus „Sonatae tam aris quam aulis” Anonym Sonata Jucunda Biago Marini (1594-1763) Passacalio in d aus op.22 Georg Muffat (1653-1704) Sonata Nr.2 aus „Armonico tributo“ Pause Carlo Farina (ca. 1600-1639) Capriccio Stravagante Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Sonate Nr.4 aus „Sonatae tam aris..“ Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) Concerto grosso op. 6,4 Leitung und Violine: Veronika Skuplik
Bach | Mendelssohn
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy is regarded as one of the most important pioneers of the renaissance of J. S. Bach’s works in the 19th century. His great interest in Baroque and pre-Classical art is also reflected in his own compositions. This programme connects Mendelssohn’s fascinating early work and the music of the Bach dynasty. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Violinsonate in G-Dur BWV 1021 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847) Caprice op. 81 Johann Bernhard Bach (1676-1749) 1. Ouvertüre Suite in g-Moll Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 1. Sinfonie in C-Dur Pause Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) Sinfonia in e-Moll Wq 177 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Violinkonzert in d-Moll Solo violin: Ryo Terakado
Il Maestro di Cappella
In this concert, the orchestra explores the world of theatre. Experience an orchestral rehearsal humorously staged by Domenico Cimarosa and music from Christoph Willibald Gluck’s operas “Orfeo ed Euridice” and “Semiramis” in combination with other orchestral works from the exciting transitional phase between the Baroque and Classical eras. Do you already know Mr. Niccolò Jommelli…? Program Franz Ignaz Beck (1734-1809) Symphony op. 3,3 Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801) Il Maestro di Cappella Intermission Niccoló Jommeli (1714-1774) Symphony in E flat major Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Orchestral suite from the operas “Orfeo ed Euridice” and “Semiramis” Musical direction: Stéphanie Paulet and Néstor Fabián Cortés Garzón Baritone: Jorge Alberto Martínez (Vienna)
The Bremen Baroque Orchestra opens the concert series Barock&Umzu 22/23 with a bang! Resonating with the baroque sounds of Jean-Féry Rebel’s famous suite “Les Eléments”, the Unser Lieben Frauen Church will be illuminated with large-scale 3-D projections by the revolutionary Bielefeld agency “The Night Lab”. Learn more about TNL’s fascinating projects The BBO plays under the direction of French baroque specialist François Fernandez and invites the audience with two fascinating orchestral works to immerse themselves in another world with all their senses. Program: Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) La Foresta Incantata J.M. Leclair (1697-1764) Ouvertüre op. 13,3 J.-F. Rebel (1666-1747) Les Elements Symphony Nouvelle Concertmaster: François Fernandez Videomapping: The Night Lab (TNL)
La Passione
Unter Leitung des international bekannten Violinisten Ryo Terakado streckt das BBO seine Fühler in Richtung Klassik aus und erkundet das symphonische Werk Joseph Haydns. Programm: Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Konzert für Cembalo und Orchester in D-Dur Hob. XVIII:11 Konzert für Violine und Orchester in G-Dur Hob VIIa: 4 Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806) Flötenquartett in D-Dur P117 Joseph Haydn Sinfonie in f-Moll Hob I:49 “La Passione” Leitung und Violine: Ryo Terakado
Historias americanas
Once again, baroque works from Latin America and Europe meet in this concert series. The musicians from Bremen are supported by vocal soloists and the exceptional Venezuelan violinist Alexis Cardenas in this festival of rhythms and improvisation. Programme Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1759) from Partita D Minor BWV 1004: Sarabande – Gigue Henry Purcell (1659-1695) from „The Fairy Queen“: A Bird’s Prelude – Chaconne: Dance for the Chinese Man and Woman Traditional (Mexiko) La Candela* Aldemaro Romero (1928-2007) Fuga con Pájara Pinta bimodal y Seis numerao Codex „Martínez Compañón“ (Peru, 18. Jhdt.) Tonada del Chimo* Tonada „El Tuppamaro de Caxamarca“* Tonada „El Diamante“* Cachua „Dennos lecencia Señores“* In cooperation with Los Temperamentos Soloviolin: Alexis Cardenas *Arrangements: Néstor Fabián Cortés Garzón
The fine taste
Die Saison 21/22 des Bremer Barockorchesters beginnt mit virtuosen Concerti Grossi und pompösen Ouvertüren aus der Feder einiger der größten europäischen Barockkomponisten. Program: Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) Sonata for trumpet, 2 violins, viola and bc in D major TWV 44:1 Giuseppe Valentini (1681-1753) Concerto for 4 violins, viola and bc in A minor Op.7,11 Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) Concerto Grosso in D major Op.6,1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for trumpet, oboes, strings and bc in D major TWV 55:D7 Musical Direction: Néstor F. Cortés Garzón
Bachs Träume
Gemeinsam mit der französischen Barockspezialistin Stéphanie Paulet präsentiert das BBO Werke Johann Sebastian Bachs und seiner französischen Zeitgenossen. Programm: Jean-Féry Rebel (1666-1747) Caprice Michel Pignolet de Monteclair (1667-1737) aus Sérenade ou concerts divisé en trois suite 2ème Suite “Airs tendres” Jean-Marie Leclair (1697-1764) Konzert für Flöte in C-Dur op. 7,3 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Violinkonzert in E-Dur BWV 1042 Brandenburgisches Konzert Nr. 4 BWV 1049 Leitung und Violine: Stéphanie Paulet
Il Maestro di Capella
The Bremer Barockorchester presents a program based on the work Il Maestro di Capella by Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801), which focuses entirely on the caprices and dramatic movement of the music from the second half of the 18th century. The middle of this concert showcases an intermezzo with a full orchestra and a singer. The audience experiences an orchestral rehearsal in which a conductor tries to make the individual groups of instruments sound according to his wishes. The result doesn’t always seem to satisfy him. The Neapolitan Cimarosa uses this attempt of a rehearsal as an extremely entertaining musical encounter, which at the same time could be viewed as a finely crafted and funny orchestral performance. In addition to this staged Italian work, music by C. W. Gluck, one of the most famous opera composers of his time, is performed, as well as a rediscovery that is probably less known to […]
Typical Baroque!?
The year 2021 and the seventh season of the concert series Baroque & umzu begins with the question: What actually is Baroque? The title of the program “Typisch Barock!?” plays with the many possible answers to this question and the subconscious expectations. The Bremer Barockorchester answers: diversity and emotion. The focus of the February concert is on the Recorder and the Viola da Gamba, two genuine baroque instruments that are completely absent from the modern orchestra. The warm sound no longer suited the sound conceptions of the following era, in which the assertiveness of the instruments in the growing symphony orchestra became more and more important. In the Baroque era, however, these two instruments were favorites of many composers, professional musicians and the amateurs at home. For example, G.P. Telemann masterfully uses them in his Concerto for Recorder and Viola da Gamba in A minor. What is astonishing about this […]
High wood
We are finally back on stage! In the fourth concert of 2020, the conditions have changed (the concert will take place without a break and the program will be slightly shortened), but we are very pleased that, even under the difficult conditions and on a small scale, we will be allowed to play for you all again. We look forward to working with Alfredo Bernardini, one of the most well-known international baroque oboists of our time, who will take on the musical direction of this project. Under the title “Hohes Holz” (after the French name of the instrument “Haut-bois”, a woodwind instrument that sounds in the high register) we go on a journey of discovery into the partially still unknown spheres of virtuoso baroque oboe music. Program: Francesco Maria Veracini (1690-1768) Overture No. 1 in B flat major Giovanni Benedetto Platti (1697-1763) Concerto for Oboe in G minor Evaristo Dall’Abaco […]
The storming Aeolus
For the first time, the renowned recorder player Dorothee Oberlinger is a guest with the Bremer Barockorchester. The 2020 Concert Series “Barock & Umzu” opens with an unusual program that includes both late baroque music, such as the famous flute concert “La Notte” by Antonio Vivaldi, and works by G.Ph. Telemann, as well as music from the 16th Century. Together, the soloist and ensemble explore the world of baroque flute music presenting works from all over Europe that seem to continually surpass each other in virtuosity, but also skillfully showcase the cantabile character of the recorder. Professor Dorothee Oberlinger is internationally known for her lively playing at the highest technical level, which repeatedly entices storms of enthusiasm among baroque music lovers and especially among listeners who previously knew the recorder from their school years. On various recorders, Oberlinger and the Bremer Barockorchester demonstrate the unimaginable possibilities in this instrument. Program: […]